What can be better to start of my first blog than by starting of with the account of the birth of my first baby nephew!
Austin Ryan Drury born on 11.12.09 quite the punctual baby (the doctor said that this would be the date he would be delivered) who is already showing signs of taking after his grandparents time keeping!

The birth itself was an "interesting" event and after seeing what my sister went through I have decided that when it's my turn in the labour room GIVE ME AN EPIDURAL!!! After what must've been hours and hours of waiting around for Austin to feel it was time to come out & say hi, it was all very worth it seeing him lay on his mommy's chest. I had always wondered when a first time mommy would feel like a mother and this must've been the moment!
I am so proud of my sister after seeing what she endured, not only that but you suddenly have that much more respect for your own mother... I wonder why! I also can't thank my sister enough for giving me the most beautiful baby nephew I could've ever imagined!
So since 11.12.09 the days has been very hectic along with Christmas sneaking right behind!
The homecoming of my sister and the arrival of baby Austin has got to be the best Christmas present to date!