With the sun rays shining all day long it has certainly given me the holiday bug and it got me thinking about the places I would love to see in the world and all the places I've already had the pleasure to visit : )
For the past 2 years we've been barely able to travel because of the new business but we were still fortunate enough to do a few weekend breaks in Europe.
Last year I took Geoff to Paris for the first time. I have been visiting Paris with my family since I could walk and got to the point where I really didn't want to ever go back but seeing as Geoff has never been before I thought.. why not? After our first trip, we loved it so much we went back 3 times last year! However this year Im thinking its time to expand our travels and so i've been looking at all the places we might be able to visit with our strict schedule *boo*.
So i've been trawling the internet for possible destinations, we wanted to go somewhere hot, sunny with lots of tourist things to do and as my bf said "no shopping". Ideally we wanted a beach holiday but... so far I haven't been able to find an ideal destination. Finally we decided on visiting Athens. I've ALWAYS wanted to visit Greece because growing up I was really fascinated about the Greek mythology. Im just hoping that 3 days will be doable!
Hoping to book out tickets sometime this week!! : )